Tuesday, January 24, 2006


I'm going to shamelessly paste someone else's thoughts here. Not that I'm taking credit. This comes from my MOPS (Mothers of PreSchoolers) e-newsletter. This week was excellent, excellent stuff.

Kathy Dye, Area Coordinator

A whiny day. You know the kind. When everything is met with a whine. "Why do I have to eat my carrots?" "When can we go to town?" "How come I have to pick up my toys?" "I don't wanna!" "I don't need a nap!" "It's miiiiiiiiiine!" I think I am going to lose my mind!

I just want to shout out, "What's the matter with you? Why are you so whiny?"

Then I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror, "why" this and "how come" that? What's the matter with ME? Oh no, now I'm whining!!

I read once that you should meet "whiners" head-on with the acronym HALT. H-A-L-T standing for Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired.

Hungry? Angry? Lonely? Tired? Four conditions that can lead to the whines. Four conditions that can hit the very young, the very old and the in-between. Four conditions that are often relatively easy to fix.

So the next time you come nose to nose (or knees to nose) with a whiner, think HALT and see if you can put a halt to the whining. My personal favorite for a cure? A nap, of course. If not for the whiner, then for me!

OK so I'm not any better at posting here...

I thought I would be.

I really thought, "If I have an actual grown-up looking blog, I will feel inspired to write frequent entries and random people will naturally run into this site and praise my wonderful work."


Like all things in my life, I need a reason to be disciplined. I have a hard time producing it on my own.

And if you want people to read your stuff (the "reason" state above) you need to tell them you are here.

So, I am here.

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